‘First do no harm; then try to prevent it.’
Professor Geoffrey Hughes, DRCOG, FFAEM, FRCP, FACEM / Emergency Medicine Journal (2007) ➲
“There is only one intelligent game:
1. Don’t get infected [with SARS-CoV-2].
2. Don’t get infected.
3. If you do get infected, get infected as few times as possible, while as vaccinated as possible, with as low a viral load as possible.”
Dr. David Berger, Emergency Medicine (2022)
‘The narrative that COVID-19 had only respiratory sequelae led to a delayed realization of the neurological, cardiovascular and other multi-system impacts of COVID-19.’
Nature Reviews Microbiology (2023) ➤
‘Overall, available evidence supports a distinct mechanistic role for COVID-19 in driving higher VTE* rates which occurs across disease severities and extends beyond the early post-infection phase.’
* Venous thromboembolism (VTE) = refers to a blood clot that starts in a vein.
The British Medical Journal: Heart (Oct 2022) ➤
‘One year after COVID-19 infection people were at higher risk of cardiovascular disease, including cerebrovascular disorders, dysrhythmias, ischaemic and non-ischaemic heart disease, pericarditis, myocarditis, heart failure, and thromboembolic disease.
Those who had had COVID-19 had a 72% increased risk of heart failure, 63% increased risk of heart attack, and 52% increased risk of stroke compared with controls.’
The British Medical Journal (Feb 2022) ➤
‘The incidence of hospitalisation with cerebral infarction [ischemic stroke] was twice as high after COVID‐19 onset as during the baseline period. Other investigators have estimated the risk of stroke to be 2–13 times as high for people with COVID‐19.’
The Medical Journal of Australia (2022) ➤
‘Repeated exposure to a virus such as SARS-CoV-2 will fast-track more people into immunosenescence at ever-earlier ages, with potentially serious repercussions for their health and longevity.’
The John Snow Project (2023) ➤
➲ Immunosenescence ~ The gradual deterioration of the immune system, normally brought on by natural age advancement.
Immunosenescence is closely related to the development of infections, autoimmune diseases, and malignant tumors.
‘Those infected with the [SARS-CoV-2] virus are at increased risk of developing a range of neurological conditions in the first year after the infection. Such complications include strokes, cognitive and memory problems, depression, anxiety and migraine headaches.’
WashU Medicine / Nature Medicine (2022)
‘Strikingly, even asymptomatic and mild-diseased patients may evolve with important neurological and psychiatric symptoms such as confusion, memory loss, cognitive decline and chronic fatigue, associated or not with anxiety and depression.’
Human Genetics (2023) ➤
‘All subtypes of dementia, irrespective of patients’ previous dementia types, behaved like rapidly-progressive dementia following COVID-19.
Cognitive postscripts of COVID-19… characterized by multi-domain cognitive impairments, are now being reckoned as the most devastating sequelae of COVID-19.’
EurekAlert / Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports (2023) ➤
‘The [foetal brain] haemorrhages are predominately found in the late first and early second trimester of gestation.
Our observations of disrupted foetal cerebral vasculature are consistent with reports of damage to the microvasculature of the adult brain in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients.’
Brain (2023) ➤
On SARS-CoV-2 infection, reinfections, COVID-19 complications [PASC / ‘Long Covid’], and the human body.
Also see:
‘Reinfection, which is now the dominant type of SARS-CoV-2 infection, is not inconsequential; it can trigger de novo Long Covid or exacerbate its severity.
Each reinfection contributes
additional risk of Long Covid:
two infections yield a
higher risk of Long Covid than
one infection, and
three infections yield a
higher risk than
two infections.’
Science (2024) ➤
‘Our study showed a significant increase of the long-term risk of developing asthma, COPD, ILD, and lung cancer diseases among individuals who suffered SARS-CoV-2 reinfection.’
COPD = Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
ILD = Interstitial lung disease.
The Lancet: eClinical Medicine (2024) ➤
‘Our research found that while acute symptoms of reinfection are generally milder, the severity and incidence rate of long COVID increase significantly with the number of reinfections.
This extends previous findings that
reinfection raises ultimate mortality and the
risk of
severe illness, while also
leading to
long COVID.’
The Lancet: Regional Health (2024) ➤
On SARS-CoV-2 infections, female and male infertility, pregnancy complications, and disruption of the reproductive cycle.
‘Statistics are significant regarding the link between COVID-19 and impotence.
“We found the risk of getting diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED) was about 20% higher in men who had COVID versus those who did not.”
Survey studies support the notion of a link between ejaculation difficulty and the virus – a study of nearly half a million adults published in Nature identified ejaculation difficulty and reduced libido as Long COVID symptoms in men.’
Fortune (2022) ➤
‘Death is not the main risk facing most children [regarding SARS-CoV-2 infections].
Disability is.’
Calgary Herald (2023) ➤
‘Long COVID [PASC] impacts children of all ages.
Children with Long COVID experience fatigue, post-exertional malaise (PEM), cognitive dysfunction, memory loss, headaches, orthostatic intolerance, sleep difficulty and shortness of breath.’
Nature Reviews Microbiology (2023) ➤
❦ Post-exertional malaise (PEM) = the worsening of symptoms following even minor physical or mental exertion, with symptoms typically worsening 12 to 48 hours after activity and lasting for days or even weeks. ➤
❦ Cognitive dysfunction = deficits in attention, verbal and non-verbal learning, short-term and working memory, visual and auditory processing, problem solving, processing speed, and motor functioning.
Orthostatic intolerance
= the inability to remain upright without symptoms.
“People do become very worried if you compare COVID-19 to HIV, but actually HIV has good treatment and life expectancy now.”
Dr. Noor Bari, Emergency Medicine (2023)
“Infection control guidelines are fundamentally flawed: SARS-CoV-2 is airborne. ➤
It is outrageous that three-and-a-half years into this pandemic, staff and patients are still, knowingly and repeatedly, being exposed to a Level-3 Biohazard – a virus known to cause brain damage and significantly increased risk of life-threatening blood complications even in those recovered.”
Dr. K. Fearnley, NHS (England) (2023)
➲ Biohazard Level 3 ~ SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes COVID-19 – is classed as a Biohazard Level 3.
Other BHL-3 examples include Yellow fever, West Nile virus, Plague, and the bacteria that causes Tuberculosis (TB).
Biohazard Level 3 pathogens can cause serious or potentially lethal disease in humans.
➲ Biohazard Level 2 ~ Agents that can cause severe illness in humans.
BHL-2 examples include HIV, Zika virus, Hepatitis A, B, C and D, Dengue, and Salmonella.
➲ Biohazard Level 4 ~ The highest biohazard level.
Pathogens that pose a high risk of life-threatening disease for which there are no treatments.
BHL-4 examples include the Ebola virus, Marburg virus, and Lassa virus.
“Infection control guidelines are fundamentally flawed: SARS-CoV-2 is airborne.”
Dr. K. Fearnley, NHS (England) (2023)
“I think a big problem is that many people’s conceptions of morality do not extend to invisible viral transmission and indirect chains of harm.
Punching someone in the face and bloodying their nose is unconscionable.
Killing a hundred people in a chain of negligent transmission?
No biggie.”
Blake Murdoch (2023)
“There is no way out of this problem that does not involve suppressing transmission of C-19.”
Dr. Noor Bari, Emergency Medicine (2023)
“We regulate water safety and food safety in an effort to decrease population rates of waterborne and foodborne illnesses.
Having clean air standards to lower the rates of respiratory illnesses isn’t radical.”
Dr. Lisa Iannattone (2023) ➤
“You can’t get someone to understand something if their lifestyle depends on them not understanding it.”
After Upton Sinclair (1938)
“I do find the ease with which people have been indoctrinated to embrace and accept illness, almost as a public duty, to be quite odd.”
Dr. David Berger, Emergency Medicine (2023)
You are free to disagree with anything you read here, provided that you have an authentic, evidence-based argument for it.
❦ All content on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.